Orthodox Jewish Dating Sites

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Orthodox Jewish singles have so many options when it comes to finding a match. There are online services, Jewish dating agencies, Shabbatons, speed dating, and for the adventurous and travel-minded, vacations, trips, singles Jewish cruises, often with luxury accommodations and amazing outdoor activities and sports. These singles Jewish cruises and vacations are often to exotic locations such as Australia, Bermuda, India, the British Isles and all over the Mediterranean including, of course, the holy land of Israel.

Using a shadchan, or a personalized matchmaker is also a great option for finding a match, although there is a large contrast to online Jewish dating agencies.

The Ultra Orthodox Jewish singles dating culture makes use of shadchanim for most of their matches, and while these shadchanim are most often found within the community in which one lives, it is possible to find personal shadchanim online as well.

3 reasons to choose Jewish dating sites. Here are 3 reasons to choose Mingle2 Jewish dating site: 😉 Secure verification: All members are personally confirmed by our staff to prove they are real. We provide you with real potential partners that are here for the same reasons as you. 😉 Quick to register: Registering an account and creating a. JDate is one of the biggest online dating sites for Jewish singles and was established in the year 1997. Currently, there are 300,000 members and counting. Signing up is free, fast, and easy, wherein it will only take you a couple of minutes to finish.

Lovingkindness is one such site that Orthodox Jewish singles can use to find matchmakers. They are only able to help those who are truly committed to trying to find a partner for life. This team of matchmakers is dedicated to being honest and only sharing correct and true information with those who use their site. They have a comprehensive questionnaire that one must fill out, a fee and a personal interview either in person or via Skype.

Saw You at Sinai is a great site that is highly personalized and discreet, with over 1,000 successful matches made, and over 30,000 members, as well as programs and events. Users' profiles are not visible to other members on Saw You at Sinai; all matches are handled and suggested by their skilled and professional matchmakers. There are over 350 matchmakers on this site.

Therebbitzins.org is an online shidduch site for those who are into Jewish singles dating and are religious. They will ask to fill out an application form, meet a Rebbetzin, or rabbi's wife, wait for them to make a match, go on a date and then follow up with your shadchan for any follow ups. These women specialize in connecting ba'alei tshuvah, or those returning to the Jewish faith, and they have over 30 years of experience.

Orthodox Connection, is a confidential and discreet matchmaking service for clients who are keep the laws of Shabbat and Kashrut. Their organization is on the international spectrum, servicing the United States, Canada, Europe, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Israel. They give personal interviews and have four offices, the main one being based in Canada.

Orthodox jewish dating sites

The Make a Shidduch Foundation is a free, non-profit organization helping religious Jewish singles come together. They are open to Jewish singles of all ages (over 18) who live all over the world. Some of their various workshops and seminars do cost a nominal fee.


Many of these shadchamin are endorsed by Rabbis and have high success rates. Their only requirement is generally that Orthodox Jewish singles they seek to help be sincere in wanting to find a life partner. Jewish singles dating can be a lot of fun, as long as the right intentions and priorities are kept in mind. Using a matchmaker is quite different than going on singles Jewish cruises, but can be just as fun as long as one has good intentions.

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